GG: Remember Tucker...nice guys finish last. GG: But don't even bother chasing them unless they have some meat on their bones.
For example: Pierpoint is a nice guy…. with no meat on his Bones…..! ! !
The one’s who finish last are more likely to be the plump ones than the ones who finish first in a race, Gunther.
The problem with Pierpoint isn’t the meat on his bones, but the wrapping.
March 02, 2018
July 22, 2017
July 27, 2017
InTraining Premium Member about 13 years ago
For example: Pierpoint is a nice guy…. with no meat on his Bones…..! ! !
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
The one’s who finish last are more likely to be the plump ones than the ones who finish first in a race, Gunther.
inshadowz about 13 years ago
The problem with Pierpoint isn’t the meat on his bones, but the wrapping.