NEUROTICA by Allison Garwood for March 28, 2013

  1. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    layers of greenbacks might be better suited for SF living

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  2. Missing large
    waykirk  almost 12 years ago

    Froze my ears off in SF a few years back. Love that town.

    Not so much when they won the World Series last year. People screaming in the street outside my hotel until 4AM. Grump.

    Almost killed by a bad lady driver in Chinatown. Again.

    Loved The Asian Arts Museum and the ContemporaryJewish Museum. Missed them the last time I was here.

    Meanwhile, out on the plaza, near the church, in front of the CJM I was sitting on the steps smoking a cigar, and noticed that someone had dropped some mary jane nearby. I just pushed it into the bushes. Don’t need the problem.

    Went up the street and got a Wild Turkey cocktail and still love the city.

    p.s. If you are a veteran go to the Top of The Mark at the Mark Hopkins Hotel and sign the veterans book. It is good for a free small drink. The old Sarge is number two in the book. See you there this fall.

    The old Sarge

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