NEUROTICA by Allison Garwood for May 21, 2013

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    david.hill  over 11 years ago

    Don’t forget about the people who won’t work because they get the monthly check from the gov’t, Money taken from the working class to support the lazy voters to get more perks.

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    Mneedle  over 11 years ago

    And there are more of them every day.

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    david.hill  over 11 years ago

    My comment refers to those who won’t do for themselves or try for themselves but will just continue to take. I will gladly help anyone who is willing to work to change thier circumstances. I do not appreciate Gov’t taking my money and giving it to those who are 3rd and 4th generation welfare and have no wish to change them getting an unearned gov’t check.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    Sorry, dumbass. The myth of the “noble poor” is just that. I spent years volunteering in the projects trying to teach literacy classes, job interview skills and how to be on time for work. The vast majority of the “victims of society” only wanted me to teach them how to get on a “program”. I finally realised that poverty isn’t caused by racism discrimination or bad luck. People are poor because they are lazy, or stupid and often both.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    Small fraction? I have known people whose entire family has been on government handouts for many generations. No one in their extended family has had a job for decades. People aren’t taught to be ashamed of being poor. They are celebrated and told that the rest of us OWE them a living. I had a friend who worked at the welfare office. The girls who handled the casework for the young girls who came in for welfare told their "clients’ that in order for them to help them, the girld only had to do two things: do not get married and do not get a job. We pay people to be “poor” as long as they vote democrat.

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