Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 28, 2009
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Boca Raton Barbara at the Oklahoma Roundup Set yerself down and I'll tell you about a rodeo back in the old west. The toughest cowboys gathered to compete, and when the dust settled, the two BEST were deadlocked in a TIE. Haney Jackson: A half-cocked reporter from Colorado, tough as cactus. Boca Raton Barbara: A lady from the east, but one mean cowpuncher. What a ruckus over how to break the tie -- they were dead even in ropin' and ridin'. Then Barb made her challenge. Barbara: How about one more event - the RESTAURANT-WALK RACE Harvey knew had to accept. Here's how it worked. Barb and Haney start at equal distances from a mock-up storefront of Michael's, the only restaurant west of the Mississippi that served Cobb salads. When the start gun sounds, it's a race to the door to give their name to the hostess...and get a better spot on line for a table. BLAM Need ICE in yer veins, I tell ya! See, you CAN'T RUN -- just a brisk walk - and ya gotta pretend to be OBLIVIOUS to yer OPPONENT. Haney's got longer legs, but Barbara's got the moxie. They're about to collide, and Barb keeps pumpin' her legs, but Haney breaks down at the last second and LOOKS at her! DISQUALIFIED! That's right -- the Okalhoma Roundup was lost on the flick of an eyeball. And the victor was declared -- Boca Raton Barabara! Barbara: Marble cake and decaf ON ME!
Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago
what the hell………??
Dmajor over 15 years ago
Wait for it… give him a minute… He’ll be here soon to tell us how this proves It’s all Obama’s fault for being a socialist Muslim terrorist. Just another minute…
jpozenel over 15 years ago
I’m clueless about this one.
Anyone? Can anyone explain what this one is about?
I just looked at the comments posted on for this comic. Those who did give an opinion sounded rather lame and it was obvious that they had no idea either.
MiepR over 15 years ago
Something about Congress?
Ushindi over 15 years ago
jtpozenel: This has to do with Obama, the war in Afghanistan, the tsunami in Indonesia, the Yankees’ World Series win, Bernanke on the Fed role with banks AND the gasoline imports. I love the way the Bug has tied them all together. Great one!
DorianKTB over 15 years ago
Having known “Boca Raton Barbara” types, I laughed out loud! Maybe you need to have elderly relatives in Florida to really appreciate the joke. :-)
jpozenel over 15 years ago
Ushindi: Thanks. Now everything is crystal clear.
Well, almost. How about the decaf coffee? I’m thinking that has something to do with U.S. - Latin American relations. (The marble cake tipped me off!) And I think whatever she’s smoking in the last panel might be related as well.
GJ_Jehosaphat over 15 years ago
I have a friend who used to live in Boca - one of the first things she pointed out while visiting her was the lines in front of restaurants. The good ones had long lines - food worth waiting for - or the best “early bird specials”. Don’t bother going to the ones with empty parking lots during meal time.
Boca Raton Barbara’s probably got some of her training in some of those lines - cool but cunning;-))
Showdown at the Golden (OK) Corral (Buffet) comes to mind!
edgeways over 15 years ago
guys… you know not all Bolling comics are political in nature? Sheesh, never saw so much overthinking, even in grad school. It is just kinda absurdest humor poking fun at two different archetypes.
jpozenel over 15 years ago
You might be the one over-thinking. Don’t you recognize a little humor among posters, or do you actually take everything we say literally?
Wake up and smell the decaf. Sheesh!
(Are you related to a guy named Doty?)
number9dream over 15 years ago
It’s an advertisement for Gillette products, only with different words.
Notice how clean-shaven Haney is in the second panel?
Grover Premium Member over 15 years ago
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY messes with Boca Raton Barbara! That women is tougher than shoe sole leather. She don’t take no guff from no-one ya’ll. She should have her own TV show, just so’n we could watch her defeat her enemies every week.
tempepoolguy almost 5 years ago
Boca Raton Barbara first appeared, I think, during the Bush v. Gore days. This comic seems, at least in part, to be a throwback to the 2000 Florida election and how to determine who won an election.