The only items consistent on TV news is whats breaking; every 7-8 commercials or so along with the trailer headline thats repeats the same language. But when you might be interested, they zip to a repetitive commercial. On-line weather is more accurate and available without “the sky is falling” junk
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
My knee is that way too.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
The old bird is so proud of his job. He is weather vain.
artybee about 13 years ago
Good one, pouncingtiger.
rshive about 13 years ago
But arthritic joints don’t do visuals as pretty as Doppler.
snarky1941 about 13 years ago
The only items consistent on TV news is whats breaking; every 7-8 commercials or so along with the trailer headline thats repeats the same language. But when you might be interested, they zip to a repetitive commercial. On-line weather is more accurate and available without “the sky is falling” junk
dahawk about 13 years ago
Only job I know where you can be wrong 80 to 90% of the time and still stay employed!!
danlarios about 13 years ago
my bones let me know when the weather changes creak! crack!
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
Actual evidence exist that corns are sensitive to barometric pressure.
puddleglum1066 about 13 years ago
“And that’s the weather forecast from Nome, Alaska. Now let’s take a leak out the window and see if it’s freezing outside our studio…”
RadioTom almost 13 years ago
Hey! I resemble that remark…