Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 11, 1993
dad: why am i always so hungry at bedtime? it's 11p.m. and i'm starving! i'm actually cutting a piece of pie here! dad: i mean how sensible is this? it's the end of the day, for pete's sake. it's not like i need the energy. dad: why's my stomach telling me to eat now? what's it thinking "we're gonna be in bed for the next eight hours- whoa! better eat something?? dad: "better fill up with a big ol' slab of pie! can't survive the night without loading on 800 calories!" dad: it's just a stupid, bad habit! dad: hey! where's the ice cream?
comixlover347 almost 12 years ago
i don’t like the way dad always complains. Just eat more dinner! sheesh!
voodoojoe2000 almost 10 years ago
No, you eat less dinner, then eat a sensible snack to help bridge the gap to bedtime.