Out of work.
It’s halftime in America for them.
Where was Stahler 4 years ago? He notices, once they start going after his guy. Can’t blame the comedians, it’s a target rich environment.
I’ve always liked the comedians who look at all sides of life
Jeff Stahler
February 19, 2017
May 10, 2018
May 26, 2018
August 23, 2017
September 24, 2017
September 30, 2017
PICTO about 13 years ago
Out of work.
rockngolfer about 13 years ago
It’s halftime in America for them.
Jack Rogers about 13 years ago
Where was Stahler 4 years ago? He notices, once they start going after his guy. Can’t blame the comedians, it’s a target rich environment.
celeconecca about 13 years ago
I’ve always liked the comedians who look at all sides of life