Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for September 26, 2014

  1. Rick
    davidf42  over 10 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    And we finally get back to Tom and Amelia.

    Here’s the link to the 2005 Annie story, ”Losing Patience.”

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    ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago

    OK, they do need to get out of that jail.

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    jrankin1959  over 10 years ago

    Hi there! Remember us? (Can we bust them out of there before Tom reaches puberty
 and Amelia demands a cell in the women’s section of the prison?)

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    Starman1948  over 10 years ago

    Good morning Annie fans. Time for Daddy Warbucks and company to rescue them.

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    bassmanbob  over 10 years ago

    The Dr. Magpie ChroniclesPrevious chapters can be found on these dates; 6/25, 6/27, 6/30, 7/8, 7/11, 7/22, 8/1, 8/14 & 9/19

    Chapter 10.

    “Tracy, where the blazes are you and have you been able to track down my Annie”? Dick forced himself to suppress laughing over the phone. He felt it strange to hear someone as powerful and wealthy as Oliver Warbucks lose his cool like he just did. Tracy figured it was all his years of training and of being in extremely dangerous situations that prepared him to always expect the unexpected and to never get rattled. He assumed it was Warbucks concern for Annie that was causing him to express such emotions “I’m at my hotel room Warbucks and yes I’ve been able to track down Annie”. Tracy quickly brought Warbucks up to date on everything that happened since the planes emergency landing, including his feeling that the engines explosion was no accident. He did however leave out the part about how he and Annie were teaming up. “No sense causing Warbucks anymore agitation”. Tracy figured. “We’re investigating this possibility of sabotage right now.” Warbucks informed him. “My people believe we can prove a link to this incident and to the act of sabotage on the Red Raven last year”! .Were you able to get the information I texted you for”? “Yes”. Warbucks said over the phone. “This Dr. Magpie of yours has done a very good job of hiding his past”. “Why do you say that”? Tracy asked. “The only thing we were able to determine is that his real name apparently is Martin D. Hudson.” “What else can you tell me about this Hudson guy”? “That’s the problem Tracy. There’s nothing about him in any records anywhere. It’s as if he doesn’t exist”. Tracy knew his feelings about Dr. Magpie were just confirmed. “No one can just wipe out their entire past without some very important people helping them”. He told Warbucks who quickly agreed with him. “I’ll call you tomorrow to update you on how Annie’s doing”. Tracy told Warbucks before disconnecting the call. “Seems like I’ll have to pay a visit to Dr. Magpie”. Tracy said out loud while feeling a sudden adrenaline rush come over him..Meanwhile;.“Annie, are you alright”? “Where are you”? Annie assured Amelia that she was fine and that there was nothing to worry about.. “I’m having a ball over here! This little vacation away from everything was the best idea you’ve ever had”! Annie figured there was no need to let Amelia know about the little ‘incident’ that happed yesterday. Annie knew that Amelia would ignore her promise not to interfere and would come and try to find her. “Hey, it’s not like I’ve never had someone want to kill me before”. She thought as she suppressed a grin. “Amelia, were you able to get that information I texted you about yesterday”?. “As much as I could. This Dr. Magpie of yours really is a mysterious person. The only thing I could find out is that his real name is apparently Martin D. Hudson. His whole history is a blank”. Annie was disappointed but not surprised to hear this. “OK, thanks Amelia. You didn’t tell “Daddy” about any of this, did you”?. “No, certainly not. You know I’d never break a promise to you”! Annie was satisfied that Amelia was telling the truth and after promising Amelia that she would call her in a few days Annie went back to the task of reviewing all the information she could find over the web regarding Dick Tracy. “Very impressive resume, that’s for sure”! She thought as she waited for his call. Meanwhile Amelia Santiago, wondering just what it meant that her source told her Warbucks had also requested information on Dr. Magpie began making preparations to get her plane ready for flight..To be continued


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    Starman1948  over 10 years ago

    @bassmanbob: great story!

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