Trust Annie to find D B Cooper.
Relax Annie, you are as safe as you can be in the arms of a lone mad man.
Until you can be rescued by Dick Tracy
Another nutbar heard from. Annie’s in a lot of trouble.
Good morning Annie fans.___________@JusSayin: good comment.___________Who is this Phantom Commando? Be happy and healthy my friends.
Morning, Anniephans!
This story is one of my favorites!
Here’s the link to the 2006 Annie story, “What Bugs You.”
Why do I have this feeling like his voice is reminiscent of Marvin the Martian?
@Philip Kelley: go comment.
Good grief…
Wow. Body suit, cape and all…interesting reading up ahead!
JusSayin almost 10 years ago
Trust Annie to find D B Cooper.
favm almost 10 years ago
Relax Annie, you are as safe as you can be in the arms of a lone mad man.
cripplious almost 10 years ago
Until you can be rescued by Dick Tracy
tripwire45 almost 10 years ago
Another nutbar heard from. Annie’s in a lot of trouble.
jrankin1959 almost 10 years ago
Starman1948 almost 10 years ago
Good morning Annie fans.___________@JusSayin: good comment.___________Who is this Phantom Commando? Be happy and healthy my friends.
davidf42 almost 10 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!
This story is one of my favorites!
Here’s the link to the 2006 Annie story, “What Bugs You.”
jrankin1959 almost 10 years ago
Why do I have this feeling like his voice is reminiscent of Marvin the Martian?
Starman1948 almost 10 years ago
@Philip Kelley: go comment.
Ricky Bennett almost 10 years ago
Good grief…
HAL69 almost 10 years ago
Wow. Body suit, cape and all…interesting reading up ahead!