You start with rail splitting and studying for the Bar.
And here I’m thinking that’s an ask your mother question.
You want me to make you an Abe Licoln costume? Okay, you’re an Abe Lincoln costume.
Wrong parent, kid!
ROFLMAO @ This One!!!>Are you new here? – absolutely cracked me up!!!
September 13, 2014
Pharmakeus Ubik about 13 years ago
You start with rail splitting and studying for the Bar.
x_Tech about 13 years ago
And here I’m thinking that’s an ask your mother question.
cdward about 13 years ago
You want me to make you an Abe Licoln costume? Okay, you’re an Abe Lincoln costume.
716PMedGuy about 13 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 13 years ago
Wrong parent, kid!
Linda Solomon about 13 years ago
ROFLMAO @ This One!!!>Are you new here? – absolutely cracked me up!!!