Heart of the City by Steenz for February 20, 2012

  1. Capture
    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 13 years ago

    This is bringing up too many painful memories.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 13 years ago

    That’s a tough call Dean but if you don’t go, you’ll never forgive yourself.You have to be strong for both Spock and yourself.Glad to see Heart is by your side to help get you through this.

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  3. Mhgredshirt
    mhgbear  about 13 years ago

    It’s tough, but when one cat of mine was sick and depressed, I had the option of leaving while the procedure was carried out, or staying. I’m glad that I did, and that the vet was compassionate and explained what was going to be done. I kept my composure until after I got in the car with the empty carrier, then I totally lost it. It’ll be OK, Dean. Just remember the love, it’s all you can do.

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  4. Ghost
    Devils Knight  about 13 years ago

    will spock turn out to be a female and not sick but having kittens ????

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    Siusaidh  about 13 years ago

    Must we continue this Death of Spock plotline for another week? Dean is my favorite character in this strip (nerdy cat lovers have to stick together!) and I HATE watching this unfold! Real life is one thing, but well-loved cat companions should never have this happen to them in the comics.

    Please, Mark: Spare Spock.

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  6. Videoman  francis byte the education of a superhero spiderma
    Glass_Chameleon Premium Member about 13 years ago

    After dredging up all these painful memories day after day Spock better die.

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    Zuria Premium Member about 13 years ago

    oh, come on, Tatulli. PLEASE don’t do this. I read the paper at work, and don’t want to have to explain to co-workers why I’m sniffling over a comic strip character.

    If – as some have suggested – this storyline is a take on your own recent, sad loss – would it not be a greater tribute if Spock were to survive and continue to bring love to his humans?


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    Elderflower  about 13 years ago

    My husband had a similar epiphany. I’ve always like dogs and cats, but he was a staunch dog person. Then this little 8 week old grey tabby somehow ended up in our back yard. That was almost 3 years ago. He’s been smitten ever since.

    I really hope that everyone who is predicting Spock’s recovery is right!

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    paulproteus48640  about 13 years ago

    life, It’s either mean or it’s arbitrary, and either way I’ve got the heebie-jeebies. I still miss that racoon.

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    Fan o’ Lio.  about 13 years ago

    Dean should not have to make life or death decisions. Where are his parents?

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    turbocat  about 13 years ago

    I swear if Spock dies I will never read this comic strip again! Whats the point in killing off Spock??? LET HIM LIVE!! He does have 8 lives left!!!

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    dramac333  about 13 years ago

    Poor Dean. That’s rough to go through for an adult. For a kid, it’s much worse.

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    monawarner  about 13 years ago

    I don’t like to deal with real life when I’mreading the comics. I will skip the rest of this week here.

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    NORMAgean123  about 13 years ago

    Please stop! this is way to painful!!!!

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  15. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 13 years ago

    This is sad, but it is better that Dean has this choice. I had to watch my dear cat die sans medication. It was not a pretty sight. It still haunts me.

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    pam Miner  about 13 years ago

    I guess that almost every one has had a pet and then it gets old or sick. It’s something we share as caring people.

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    Sycarrie  about 13 years ago

    I bawled both times I had to put my cats down. The one was ready for it, and seemed to want it. The other was so scared to be at the vet, all he wanted was to go. I felt absolutely horrible, and bawled each time. I can relate to what this character is going through.

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    Decepticomic  almost 4 years ago

    He’ll be fine. Last-minute recovery. Calling it.

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