Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for February 20, 2012
RJ: I need more drama in my life. Verne: RJ, you lie on your back all day eating junk food and watching tv. RJ: Exactly...it appears nothing's happening, yet inside there's so much more...how can I add dramatic exposition? hammy: A narrator? RJ: You're a genius. verne: Yes, well...it's true I have an IQ of 147 (uncorrected for mammalian bias" and...wait. what? hammy: "inflamed quads"?...."irritated quakers"?
firedome almost 13 years ago
insurance quotes?
Sirzanne almost 13 years ago
Insignificant Quips…
aardvarkseyes almost 13 years ago
Inebriated Quahogs…
Sirzanne almost 13 years ago
Ignoble Questarian…
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Intelligence Quotient. There! I said it and I’m glad.
mydogarf almost 13 years ago
Incurable QuibblerRJ with a narrator? That should be fun.(Dramatic voice) In a world filled with Twinkies…Speaking of Twinkies, did anyone see the new Ghost Rider movie? There’s a scene where the villain who can decay anything he touches is trying to eat something but everything he touches turns to ash and he finally is able to get something to eat by eating a Twinkie because it doesn’t decay,
GramEGoose almost 13 years ago
Gasp! oh, Thank you, pschearer! As I scrolled down I felt the urge to comment with something inherently quixotic, then I got to yours and you set me FREE!
Chithing Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Involuntary Quacking.
mistercatworks almost 13 years ago
Turtles are known to have a high Inertia Quotient..
no22er almost 13 years ago
Ignorant Queen.
Koolfunkygrrl almost 13 years ago
Is James Earl Jones looking for work? He would be great as R.J.’s narrator :)
pam Miner almost 13 years ago
You got that right! us quakers are plenty irritated from all this stuff that certain politicians are trying to pass off as the “word of God” when it’s all filled with man’s rules and war-mongering!
Archistoteles 11 months ago
Interesting Questions.