lol! But sometimes cats attack something that’s just sitting there, and that has been just sitting there for ages! With all claws and everything, Jimbo would’ve woken up straight away!
We used to keep our catnip in the laundry room until the cats got into it one day and went zooming around the house until it wore off, then they hid under the bed and slept it for for the next few days.
Declawing cats amputates the first digit of each cat “finger”. It can cause health issues, sometimes follow-up surgeries are needed, and declawed cats are more likely to bite.
tegm almost 13 years ago
lol! But sometimes cats attack something that’s just sitting there, and that has been just sitting there for ages! With all claws and everything, Jimbo would’ve woken up straight away!
mgstoked almost 13 years ago
Maybe she is so experienced he doesn’t wake up.
dfowensby almost 13 years ago
ours would pluck and pull the socks out through the little vent slots in the laundry basket.
rabidhunter almost 13 years ago
It’s kind of funny, the comic I read before this was Pooch Cafe. Check out the Pooch Cafe for 2/24/12
Puddleglum2 almost 13 years ago
Frankly, I prefer ‘Sox’ that put up more of a fight, too, than they did last September !
renewed1 almost 13 years ago
My sister’s cat would jump into the middle of whatever you were reading.
monawarner almost 13 years ago
The new puppy is the one who will eat the socks right off your feet.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
The fighting kind are the best! Jimbo must be a sound sleeper.
Doctor11 almost 13 years ago
We used to keep our catnip in the laundry room until the cats got into it one day and went zooming around the house until it wore off, then they hid under the bed and slept it for for the next few days.
krisl73 almost 13 years ago
Declawing cats amputates the first digit of each cat “finger”. It can cause health issues, sometimes follow-up surgeries are needed, and declawed cats are more likely to bite.