Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 24, 2012
Joanie: Fortunately, my cell phone didn't die before the troopers located us... meanwhile, Alex decided it was the perfect time to propose marriage to Leo. By text. He replied he wanted to talk about it in person. Rick: Sounds promising. She must be thrilled. Joanie: You'd think. Alex: He's going to dump me - I know it!
King_Shark almost 13 years ago
Yes…it’s a thriller for Alex. As in Thrilla Killa nights
BE THIS GUY almost 13 years ago
I wouldn’t blame Leo for dumping her.
pnorman1 almost 13 years ago
Well I’m glad that Joanie and Alex are ok but Alex needs to get a grip on it. “Toggle” is a man of infinite patience but he doesn’t need all of this drama.
rayannina almost 13 years ago
Kali39 almost 13 years ago
Joanie should know better by now…
randymi almost 13 years ago
Leo, dump her. She’s a drama queen. You don’t need that kind of stress in your life.
thirdguy almost 13 years ago
I am amazed at how many of you are getting this so wrong.The last thing Leo would do is dump Alex. Think of what Leo has been through in his short life. Do you think Alex presents anything close to the pressure he knew during combat, or the battle to survive after being hit by an IEP? How many guys re-upped because they didn’t know how to make it in the world after being over there. Alex is perfect for Leo. She keeps his feet on the ground, and always makes life interesting for him. He would never dump her.
nimbleswitch almost 13 years ago
Why Leo, why? She’s an ignorant, self-universed, know-it-all, drama queen who looks like a terrier. She belongs in a dog show. You could find better than her on a bar stool in Crawford.
nimbleswitch almost 13 years ago
“Alex is perfect for Leo.”?! Thirdguy, how could she keep Leo’s feet on the ground when her own head is in the clouds? Leo is the grounded one.
Weakstream almost 13 years ago
calm down folks. Alls well.
thirdguy almost 13 years ago
what he said!
FriscoLou almost 13 years ago
So, how’s the Warren thing going anyways?
Whitecamry almost 13 years ago
Like mother, like daughter.
GalleyOar almost 13 years ago
On the positive side, if she would get a job she could keep him in beer money.
babka Premium Member almost 13 years ago
she’s not a drama queen. she’s all of us who looked at the “it” girls and figured we hadn’t a chance… she can’t believe that anyone she loves would love her and stay faithful to her. she thinks so little of herself (compared to________) that, having rejected herself, she anticipates rejection. Daily doses of reassurance and love, joy itself, will restore her confidence, little by little. And as her patience and love & quirkiness have brought Leo out of the hell of war into the living “funny valentine”, he will be anchor to her kite, and she will help him away from exploding body parts into ….fun. Remember fun? anyone? can I get a witness?
gaebie almost 13 years ago
For Leo to marry a “ignorant, self-universed, know-it-all, drama queen” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. So long as you know how to manage that type of female and you have patience. Leo can do both. And she need to be managed.
Gokie5 almost 13 years ago
I’m acquainted with several depressive types. They can manage to find the cloud around every silver lining. But they can also be bright, loyal, and interesting.
Buzza Wuzza almost 13 years ago
She’s not some boring empty headed mallrat who’s life revolves around mindless TV shows. I like her!
Mythreesons almost 13 years ago
Anyone know anything about DylanThomasPi? This was his only strip to comment on, and he hasn’t been around for ages. I’m telling my kids to post a notice here if I die suddenly, ‘cause I don’t want you to think I got mad.
Kneejrk almost 13 years ago
Drama!!! Leo – Get out while you can!!!!! Of course, he won’t.
summerdog86 almost 13 years ago
I’m pretty sure that Joanie is older than Rick. Any Doonesbury trivia fans know by how much?
And, we missed the whole rescue! I feel cheated!
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I give ’em two years.
summerdog86 almost 13 years ago
Wikipedia says that the Joanie character is listed as 70 years old. It did not say how old Rick is, but I assume much younger.
diggitt almost 13 years ago
People age at different rates, and folks— as GT occasionally reminds us, THIS IS A COMIC STRIP.
lobomarino almost 13 years ago
Leo is a romantic. He will do a beautiful proposal.
shirttailslim almost 13 years ago
I’ve always said, "Pessimists get more nice surprises.
summerdog86 almost 13 years ago
FYI, the Joanie character HERSELF says she’s 70 years old. So that would be Garry talking, in my book.
Typesbad almost 13 years ago
I like Alex as a character. besides being GT’s conduit to the all that is high-tech and social media oriented, she Intelligent, politically active, kind and witty, but humorously insecure. Her interactions with Leo are always entertaining.
GTphile almost 13 years ago
DT didn’t go away mad…he was having a ball the last week or so, and his last posts contained a flurry of funny one-liners and good-natured back and forths about pi, plus various puns, on Jan 31. Very last and only one, not really up to his standard, on Feb 1, as usual shortly after Left Wing’s opening gambit . Then nothing.
galanti almost 13 years ago
Run, Leo. Run for your life.
Gokie5 almost 13 years ago
According to , Jeff Redfern was born in December of 1982. That would make him 29. That would mean that Joanie had him when she was around 40 or 41. (Or something like that – math getting a little higher for me.) Haven’t found out how old Rick is, yet.
LeoAutodidact almost 13 years ago
That’s been my policy for several decades, now:
Expect the worst and Prepare for itThus, a Life that has only Pleasant surprises!
Doesn’t ALWAYS work out, but my “batting average” is better than most.
seablood almost 13 years ago
I think it would be an interesting plot turn if Toggle said “no, and goodbye” Alex needs some more character development to drive the story onward.
FriscoLou almost 13 years ago
Hopefully the reaction to the Koran burning in Afghanistan will die down soon and people will take time to reflect on how their behavior/actions affect others and the bounds of human decency, before making any provocative gestures.
K M almost 13 years ago
It just strikes me that Leo wants to do this, as we used to say, the right way: He wants to propose to Alex. Despite his famed left-wing proclivities, GBT occasionally shows flashes of conventionality in his strips.
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Alex is smart and good for Toggle. I know he loves her too. They’ll make it okay.
King_Shark almost 13 years ago
Don’t know about Pi (wish we’d known more about him so we could find him elsewhere on the net) but I found myself unable to log into my Bill the Butcher account – getting a “password mismatch” notice and the password forwarded to my email isn’t working either. Maybe he had similar problems and thought it wasn’t worth the candle. Maybe he’s sick. Hope he returns soon; I liked him.
I think those of us who feel connected to others here should let them know of other sites we comment on, so that if someone vanishes from here interested people can find them elsewhere as well. I do sometimes comment on the Comics Curmudgeon (as Bill the Butcher), and my posts there contain a link to my own site…if anyone is interested.
coraljames almost 13 years ago
Poor Alex. Typical young American female reaction.