Agnes by Tony Cochran for February 29, 2012

  1. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  about 13 years ago

    Who else would like join me, raising a flagon of chocolate syrup, toasting a worry-free day of countless calorie consumption?

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Jim, I’ll drink to that!

    There are some other things maybe I’ll do too….

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 13 years ago

    And a few things I’ll NOT do…. with abandon….

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    rshive  about 13 years ago

    Is it true that once you break cookies the calories all fall out? You can eat boxes of broken cookies even in years that don’t have a free day in February.

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    Dani Rice  about 13 years ago

    @ Rshive – I’m always been taught that the things you eat a coffee hour after worship services don’t have calories. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 13 years ago

    Agnes has never been a normal kid.

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    jadoo823  about 13 years ago

    …anything your mother makes “just for you!” is calorie-free, but loaded with guilt…

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    bossyheifer  about 13 years ago

    Further proof that Trout is the smart one

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    pair8head  about 13 years ago

    It goesThe Vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison while the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

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    Zaristerex  about 13 years ago

    Hoboy, the calories WILL count because you’ll feel them tomorrow. I WISH I could’ve slept all day!

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    burly666  about 13 years ago

    From the Court Jester (1956) with Danny Kaye:Griselda: [Correcting Hawkins’ recitation of the directions about the drinks] No! The pellet with the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle…Jean: …the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true. Even I can say it!Hawkins: Then YOU fight him!

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    Hunter7  about 13 years ago

    But its Danny Kaye’s verse we remember..So I wasted a free day by going to work? Bummer! And it snowed today! Wet, slushy, slippery, fall on your a$$ snow. (then the sun came out and dried up all the snow and the spiders stayed put!).Well if its a free day – then I’m going to put butter on my hot cross buns!

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    baihe8  about 13 years ago

    OMG I didn’t know that …. and I missed my chance …. now I have to wait 4 years

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