The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for March 11, 2012
The Born Loser by Art & Chip Sansom Gladys: Yoo-hoo, I'm home! Brutus: Find any bargains at the store today? Gladys: Check out the great deal I got on these vitamins... Gladys: "Special, limited time offer: fifty percent more at no extra charge!" Brutus: Wow! Good job, Gladys! You can't beat that! Gladys: But did you ever notice it's always products like vitamins that have offers like that? Gladys: Why can't they ever have offers like fifty percent more chocolate free?
jofish10 almost 13 years ago
Not as bad as a 50% off sale on last year’s calendars. :)
georgelcsmith almost 13 years ago
Chocolate is actually good for people, but it’s bitter, so it’s combined with something sweet. Unfortunately, the sweeteners used are not good for people.
dfowensby almost 13 years ago
“no charge”? it’s charged if you had to pay to get it. duh. TANSTAAFL!
iced tea almost 13 years ago
Eat dark chocolate, Gladys. It’s more nutritious and lower in calories. Plus if you’re diabetic, it won’t put your sugar up.
Jeff0811 almost 13 years ago
Thanks Google TANSTAAFL> “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch” BTW she said no EXTRA charge, not sure if that makes a difference. but on principle I agree with the whole free lunch thing.