Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for March 09, 2012

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    rrhyne56  almost 13 years ago

    Is this really even an issue at all or simply something to build a few strip panels on? I am sincerely curious.

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  2. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  almost 13 years ago

    The crazy little pinheads who think that Barack Obama is a Kenyan socialist and the angry idiots who think they are sovereign citizens may believe that Jeremy Lin is an illegal immigrant, but anyone connected to reality knows that he was born in L.A.

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  3. Rainbow fairy
    autumnfire1957  almost 13 years ago

    Can you prove your birth certificate is really yours? Do you even have a copy of what you claim to be your birth certificate?

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  4. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  almost 13 years ago

    For what it’s worth, sovereign citizens are people who think that they are only subject to common law and, therefore, they don’t have obey any federal, state or local laws. They are a different species from Guard and his friends, but they are equally divorced from reality.

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    griffon8  almost 13 years ago

    I was going to say something about proving the forgery, but then I realized I was arguing with an idiot on the Internet. My bad.

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    yyyguy  almost 13 years ago

    yyyguy’s first rule:never argue with an idiot – people watching might find it difficult to spot the difference.

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  7. Swc1
    SaltWaterCroc  almost 13 years ago

    Ok, let’s try this one – what evidence do you have that the President’s birth certificate is a forgery (need several reliable sources). And citizenship is granted to any child born in the US, even if neither of their parents is a citizen (a reason why Chinese mothers are coming to the US to have their children). I am just amazed at everyone who thinks the President was planted in this country at birth to be President.

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  8. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  almost 13 years ago

    I wonder if the Guard realizes that Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds are making fun of him and his friends in the strip.

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  9. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  almost 13 years ago

    Sorry, guard. There is no debate and never will be. We think that you and your friends are a joke. If that’s slander, I’m sorry. But it is the truth.

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  10. Atom1
    GCNP Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Sgt. You’re wrong about the interpretation of the natural born citizen requirement. Stop bottom-feeding on NewsMax, get out, and learn something.


    You’ll thank me later, I’m here to help.

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    J Quest  almost 13 years ago

    There’s no point arguing with “Sarge” He believes Obama is ineligible to be the POTUS, and will probably continue to believe so until the day he dies. If anyone else wants to know why this is an absurd and easily disproven belief, I recommend this link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp

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    chuckayl  almost 13 years ago

    Your handle should be XGuard SGT. Good thing you’re ex. What you have written is enough to get you up on charges for public disrespect of a superior officer.

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    lsheldon  almost 13 years ago

    I’m sincerely gone. This strip used to be funny, sometimes, relevant, sometimes, both every now and again.

    Now it is a waste of blood-pressure medicine.

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  14. Wallpapers jonny quest 1024x768
    J Quest  almost 13 years ago

    See my previous comment. You could just as easily be maintaining that you were abducted by aliens and repeatly subjected to gastro-intestinal probing. There’s no possible way I could convince you that it didn’t happen, and there’s no point in me asking you what exactly was incorrect or innacurate about the Snopes article. My comment was directed to the more rational among us.

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    Greg Johnston  almost 13 years ago

    GDo you realize how ridiculous you sound demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship (based on incorrect reading of the Constitution and citizenship law), and demanding proof – while you offer up a reality TV show as your evidence? Do you think for a second that if there was a shred of truth to birther arguments, that the GOP wouldn’t have pounced on it to disqualify Obama BEFORE the election. This is such a tired and foolish topic. Give it a rest. You’ve had far more credible sources offered to you than a nutbar county sheriff known for being a bigot, and you go with the nutbar, because that fits with what you want to think. It really is a good thing you are no longer in the service; your disrespect for the CinC is shameful.

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    Bogy Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    If you won’t accept Snopes, how about Foxnews.com? I would trust the expert they quote more than the Cold Case Posse. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/29/expert-says-obamas-birth-certificate-legit/

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    mechaman  almost 13 years ago

    I’m sort of hating the ‘typical’ nature of the character Millar and Hinds have in the set up here … and yet I’m laughing. too

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