Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 10, 2012

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    KPOM  about 13 years ago

    We want Kevin! We want Kevin!

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    KPOM  about 13 years ago

    For real – Romney won all 9 delegates from Guam in a unanimous decision from all 251 village party officials at the GOP convention. He sent his son there to campaign. Northern Marianas also has their caucus today.

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    RayThomas101  about 13 years ago

    I don’t want to talk to either group, mostly.

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    justalurkr  about 13 years ago

    I would berate the author for pushing stereotypes had I not just the other day wondered out loud if anyone had advised Governor Romney of the one First Lady to a customer rule.

    (hangs head)

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    KPOM  about 13 years ago

    Romney won the Northern Marianas, too.

    All in all, it’s 18 delegates for him in 2 events most of the country doesn’t know about. I can’t wait until Monday to see where Scott takes the story line. Will Kevin mount a third party campaign?

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    This year’s REeps have staged a missionary conversion contest by incompetents from a clown car parade…remember?

    A campaign for Prez is like a rolling circus or band on the road, too. P.T. Barnum could be president, too, but the freak shows the Reeps are running don’t appeal to everyone. Elephant Man just isn’t that attractive, especially since theya ll have the feelings of a block of concrete and the all love of their fellow citizens like a market for their product…or a resource to be manipulated and squeezed and exploited.

    I don’t think the Reeps and the wrongwingers can fake being sincere any more. The fundaments of the US are trust and expressions of love, and they’re working very hard to take away any of our ties to the U.S. Government. Reeps and rightighties are essentially subversives, perhaps Confederates, but certainly NOT conservatives.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago

    i would be willing to vote for Keven for no other reason that he is honest about his true goal.

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