Close to Home by John McPherson for March 05, 2012

  1. Img 1504
    Woody157  about 13 years ago

    Don’t know about you but I am glad I don’t play golf.

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    doc white  about 13 years ago

    Small wasn’t he.

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  3. Grumpy
    shmlss  about 13 years ago

    got a tupperware bowl of ashes of my late great friend from anchorage in the mail, bout the size of a small soup container lol. wasn’t it thoughtful for her sis to take all her $$ & then divy up the ashes to all her friends!!!

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    rmacprivate  about 13 years ago

    There actually was or is a company that will take the ashes and add it to a resin mix and cast it into fishing lures so your buddies can still take you fishing with them. Only in America!

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    jcm1655  about 13 years ago

    True golfer

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  6. Simpsonized
    CCMMJJ  about 13 years ago

    The woman on the right looks like she’s dressed for a wedding more than for a funeral.

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    cleokaya  about 13 years ago

    There is also a compamy that will putt your ashes into shotgun shells so that you can kill something as you blast through the air.

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  8. Orion95
    Jml58  about 13 years ago

    His last attempt to make a hole-in-one.

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    hippogriff  about 13 years ago

    shmiss: Sorta like Joe Hill. He was cremated and his ashes sent to be scattered in every state except Utah (which killed him after a kangaroo trial). His famous last words: “Don’t mourn, organize!”

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    REDROCKER51  about 13 years ago

    i don’t know….it seems that cremation would really burn someone up……

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    KA7DRE Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Sort of like some of the gimmicks they did with ash fromMt. Saint Hellens here in Washington.

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Joe Hill got railroaded because he was a “wobbley.” As a labor organizer he felt songs were more effective than pamphlets at getting a point across and changing opinions.

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