Heart of the City by Steenz for March 09, 2012
Kat: Thanks, Dean! Dean: Hey, no problem-o....may the force be with you. Dean: Wait! That's not a "star wars" thing! It's just part of everyday life now! Everybody says that these days! Heart: Wow. This is a dilemma: how do I separate a pop culture reference from old fashioned geekiness? Dean: Let me know what you come up with.
Kamino Neko almost 13 years ago
Sorry, Dean…normal people may understand it, but Star Wars nerds are still the only ones who say it.
pdking77 almost 13 years ago
Agreed. When the assault starts the wall comes down and “equality” kicks in.
sjsczurek almost 13 years ago
Where such rules as “never hit a girl” apply, it is also expected that girls behave as ladies, and do not get pugnacious themselves.
What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.
caseva77 almost 13 years ago
Since when can you whack kids with racquets at school?
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Sorry, there’s never an excuse for a man to strike a woman, unless it’s in a boxing rink and both parties are wearing gloves. At Heart and Dean’s age there wouldn’t be much difference, but after puberty a man’s muscle-mass and upper-body strength is likely to be much greater than the woman’s, even if she’s got six inches and 30 pounds on him. It’s still not “picking on somebody your own size.”
True, a man who stays with a woman who physically assaults him is as foolish as a woman who stays with an abusive man, but if you aren’t going to leave her then just “be a man” and suck it up.
In the final episode of the third season of “Cheers”, Diane slaps Sam’s face and Sam very calmly slaps her in return. Shocked, she slaps him again, and he returns the slap again. After a moment they’re hugging, on the verge of making up, and Diane puts on her little-girl pout and says “Still, you hit me.” Sam says “But not hard.” Diane takes a step away and says “What do you mean ‘Not hard’?” and Sam looks her in the eyes and says “I mean, ‘Not as hard as I wanted to.’” It’s a chilling moment. And what was unspoken was even darker: “Not as hard as I could have.”
ProfessorKid almost 13 years ago
No sense taking any chances, when in doubt, whack him! : )
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
hit him again!hit him again!(after all, it IS just a toon.)
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Don’t hit him this time!
coffee_mom11 almost 13 years ago
You can’t! Because we Star Wars geeks won a long time ago ;-)
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Are women equal…”Yes. That’s the law.“…and equally able to defend themselves…”No. That’s biology.“…and take responsibility for attacking others…”Yes.“…or are they the weaker sex…”Physically, yes.“…who need protection?”From you? That wouldn’t surprise me at all.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
“Funny, fritzoid. As a fellow liberal I would think you would be all for equality.”I am. They are equal under the law. But they are physically smaller, and a man can easily and casually (even unwittingly) do far more damage to a woman than the average woman can do to the average man.“And what about those gentle men who are beaten up by women and too afraid or ashamed to report it? Do you defend them as well?”What about them? They can overcome their fear and shame and report the women, or they can leave. If the woman DOES hit the man, it does not make it right for the man to hit the woman.“EQUALITY means equality of responsibility.”I agree. I have never said that a woman has a right to hit a man. Nobody has a right to hit anybody. Are you suggesting that if a woman hits a man, he is justified in hitting her back? With that I disagree, vehemently. A physical confrontation between an average man and an average woman is like a traffic accident between a Humvee and a Prius; it doesn’t matter who was in the right, the Prius is going to sustain more damage.“That’s all I am saying. Are YOU saying you actually DISAGREE with that…”If that is, in fact, all you’re saying, then I do not disagree. But I don’t think that’s “all” you’re saying. See above.“..,and (as the feministis cry) that women can do no wrong?”Of course not.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
“OR the guy is like the 99% of us who are decent and the girl forgets her birth control and gets pregnant just to sink her claws into his wallet?”This is a good argument for men taking equal responsibility towards birth control. Faced with a man who says “Don’t worry, I won’t get you pregnant” and a woman who says “Don’t worry, you won’t get me pregnant”, either one may be lying. Either one may simply be wrong…“Gets which situation…occurs most often?”I suspect, along with GoldenRoya, that most often it’s the men who are the “opportunistic” party.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
“And my experiences, more women with |oopsy| pregnancies making guys miserable than so-called dedbeats dads. Gee, guess which ones the courts actually go and chase after?”Why should the courts go after women who have “oopsy” pregnancies? What would the crime be? What would “justice” look like in those cases? The child exists. The child must be provided for. The man can get a divorce (and the marriage was something he could have said “no” to in the first place), but he must still support the child he helped create, whether wittingly or no. If you’re worried about “oopsy” pregnancies, wear a condom, or get a vasectomy, or don’t sleep with the woman.“Are you aware that there are rulings in Calfornia that force men who have been PROVEN not to be fathers to STILL PAY CHILD SUPPORT? Hardly fairness, justice or equality.”I’ll take your word that such rulings exist, but I live in California and know of no such cases. What were the facts of the cases, and the justifications of the Courts’ decisions? Had the men been supporting the children for a period of time before paternity was questioned? All anecdotal evidence proves is that “injustices” can be made on both sides. What are the comparative numbers between men forced to support children known not to be theirs, and men who won’t support children known to be theirs?
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Gotta say, I love the framing in this one. Especially when Heart is just there in the 2nd panel ready to strike.