Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for March 29, 2012

  1. Missing large
    Agent54  almost 13 years ago

    Fight back with good grammar. If The tree is a climbing tree it does not belong on the playground. And the rules did not say no climbing ON the trees.

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  2. Cat29
    x_Tech  almost 13 years ago

    If the tree is not for climbing then why is it there?That’s like putting a catapult on the playground with a sign “Not for flinging things” Bah!

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  3. Ronald reagan
    OldestandWisest  almost 13 years ago

    Playgrounds are becoming a thing of the past and the reason—lawsuits. No school or community wants to put up things like swingsets or monkey bars (or trees) that a child might conceivably injure themselves on and then have their parents sue them for a million bucks.

    When my father got older and couldn’t sail on his 30 foot cabin cruiser boat any more, he had the nice idea to donate it to the local Boy Scouts. They thanked him but said they wouldn’t be able to use it without paying an enormous sum in liability insurance first, so it just wasn’t worth it.

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  4. D4a5a14f f69d 431f a7b7 321b5406dd5d
    Jkiss  almost 13 years ago

    Shame on that tree. Well boys if the tree is gonna break the rules……

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  5. Missing large
    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Sad but true.

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  6. Dog
    robert423elliott  over 1 year ago

    Someone, please, tell that little idiot that he is W-H-I-T-E !!! “The Man” is trying to keep you from breaking your tom-fool neck! Get your act together!

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