Marmaduke by Brad Anderson for March 27, 2012

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    legaleagle48  almost 13 years ago

    At least he understands the concept, Dottie!

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    hsawlrae  almost 13 years ago

    Your napkins aren’t nearly big enough for his puss.

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    revisages  almost 13 years ago

    yes, kindly curtail that uncourteous behavior…er, go ahead, marm, what she doesn’t know is it’s a ring tie to draw those blinds

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    kittybeast10  almost 13 years ago

    At least he has manners!

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    vsqrd  almost 13 years ago

    I knew a dog who used to drink out of the toilet, then wipe his face on the towel. Never could decide if he was being polite or disgusting.

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    lingsu  almost 13 years ago

    Well Valerie at least the dog that you knew had some manners wiping his face on a towel after drinking out of the toilet. Don’t think anyone would want a doggie kiss right after seeing it drink out of the toilet. yuk!!

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    Plods with ...™  almost 13 years ago

    Yeah Marm. Stop that. Use the front of the couch like most dogs. At least the ones I’ve had. Including Danes.

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  8. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    I guess he doesn’t have a sleeve like my kids. And now that they are wearing short sleeved shirts, they just use their bare arms. Yuck!

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    Francine Long  almost 13 years ago

    My dogs usually used the couch but if not that then they were equally happy with the bedspread or the recliner or even the carpet. They didn’t like to have food residue on their faces after a hearty meal. I can understand that. So I generally tried to get to them with a towel or napkin or something to wipe them up before they decided it was all up to them and they smooched the furniture.

    PLODS I have been looking for you on Citizen Dog. I left a message for you but didn’t get a reply. I remember you said you have fostered 30 Danes in your lifetime. How Great! I would love to hear more about that, how you happened to be a Great Dane foster parent and some experiences.

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