Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for March 16, 2012

  1. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  almost 13 years ago

    These Futhark are 180 degrees out of phase. Why?

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  2. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    It’s also rude to demand to hear a private conversation.

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  3. Calvinavtr2
    Kaywest  almost 13 years ago

    “… Boar-ing conversation anyway”

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  4. Smiley
    Alison84  almost 13 years ago

    Hamhock is anything but a boar, anyway…

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    tsandl  almost 13 years ago

    Thanks, I thought it was the whole words that were upside down. I was sitting there trying to figure out what “TSRIF” meant.

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    cwreenactor  almost 13 years ago

    That is just plain rune of them.

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    arcgap  almost 13 years ago

    @avid Hamhock is a barrow then?

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    Gyrrakavian  over 12 years ago

    Merkstav; the negative connotation attached to an inverted, tilted, or side ways rune. Used in casting rune stones, a form of divination.

    Old Norse has been a dead language for a few hundred years. Good luck trying to find a dictionary for it.

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