Happily, an increasing number of my clocks change themselves – the computer, DVR, cell phone, atomic clock, and even my car clock. I’ll get down to the task of changing my watches and a couple of clock radios sometime later today, once I get over losing an hour of sleep.
My husband keeps one wristwatch on daylight time and one on standard. Changes watches instead of the time. I take care of the digital ones (toaster oven, coffee pot, microwave, etc.) and the rest reset themselves.
Here in AZ we don’t observe sanity-we just wander around for 9 months wondering why our favorite TV programs start at 6pm. They decided not to participate because the extra hour of sunlight would make us run the A/C too much. So instead they built 1.5 million new homes for population growth. They did tell newcomers to bring their own electricity. That worked out . . .
rubinocreative Premium Member almost 13 years ago
When did you change your clocks?
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I did it as soon as I got home from work on Friday. It’s the only way to ease into losing an hour.
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
And changing all the clocks.
Knightman Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I don’t I bought Atomic clocks that set themselves with the national clock in Colorado. But I still have to set the one in the car.
frumdebang almost 13 years ago
Happily, an increasing number of my clocks change themselves – the computer, DVR, cell phone, atomic clock, and even my car clock. I’ll get down to the task of changing my watches and a couple of clock radios sometime later today, once I get over losing an hour of sleep.
marilynrknits almost 13 years ago
My husband keeps one wristwatch on daylight time and one on standard. Changes watches instead of the time. I take care of the digital ones (toaster oven, coffee pot, microwave, etc.) and the rest reset themselves.
tryoung71 almost 13 years ago
Right before I went to bed last night.
lily245pj almost 13 years ago
I really wish they would leave the time alone. Just leave it alone!!!
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
@Tony, I never change the clocks. I’m on Phoenix time! ;-D
serenasakitty almost 13 years ago
I live in Saskatchewan where we don’t [at least so far] change the time. One reason I like Saskatchewan.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Changed mine around 11 pm last night.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
And yes, why can’t we be on DST all year? Sure would take some of the “bite” out of the dark winter months!
Dani Rice almost 13 years ago
We change the ones that don’t do it automatically before we go to bed on Saturday. Doesn’t do to be late for church when you’re the preacher.
Chewiek9 almost 13 years ago
Here in AZ we don’t observe sanity-we just wander around for 9 months wondering why our favorite TV programs start at 6pm. They decided not to participate because the extra hour of sunlight would make us run the A/C too much. So instead they built 1.5 million new homes for population growth. They did tell newcomers to bring their own electricity. That worked out . . .
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 13 years ago
Yesterday before sundown. Although I wish we could move them forward on the last Sunday in May, and change them back on the first Sunday in September.
AbbeyC5 almost 13 years ago
I was up at ‘2:00’ am so i watched it change on my computer from 1:59am to 3:00 am
QunMang almost 13 years ago
Last night (alarm), this morning (others), and not at all (auto-changers).
Can’t be on DST always unfortunately. On the shorter days kids would be walking to school (or the bus stop) in the dark.
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
serena, I wouldn’t mind it IF we were on permanent DST.