Closed captioning on my TV has certainly helped me. I have trouble understanding conversations if there’s a high level of background noise — common enough in Seasoned Citizens — and a hearing aid, I’m told, wouldn’t help me with that..Now, if I could only see virtual subtitles when I’m out in public, I’d be set…hey, that’s probably a future iPhone feature. :)
The Nihilist almost 13 years ago
Cheer up – The FCC say they’re going to fix that, eventually…
Dani Rice almost 13 years ago
He’s a smart dog, but I don’t think he can read.
PShaw0423 almost 13 years ago
Closed captioning on my TV has certainly helped me. I have trouble understanding conversations if there’s a high level of background noise — common enough in Seasoned Citizens — and a hearing aid, I’m told, wouldn’t help me with that..Now, if I could only see virtual subtitles when I’m out in public, I’d be set…hey, that’s probably a future iPhone feature. :)
doc white almost 13 years ago
You got that right.