La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 23, 2012

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    gladlythecrosseyedbear  almost 13 years ago

    i’m chuckling — it’s true that nobody can accuse obama of being a womaniser — bill clinton he ain’t

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    pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Wasn’t the point of the hugging-the-black-guy story that the huggee was famously a proponent of the idea that America is an evil, racist nation? You know, like O’s minister for 20 years.

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    jammasterjim  almost 13 years ago

    Evil? No. Racist? Sure. Ask slaves, or Natives, or Japanese, or Jews, etc. about the institutionalized racism that has unforunately persisted through the years to varying degrees.

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    jammasterjim  almost 13 years ago

    hahahahahaha!! I get it! She’s fat. How do you not have your own comic strip?? Clearly you’re funny enough.

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    jammasterjim  almost 13 years ago

    Man, those Sadie Princes… Always scheming on something…

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