Michael Ramirez for March 15, 2012

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    TheHook  over 12 years ago


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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    All it takes is $31 or $54, a birth certificate, social security card, and two proofs of address.So if you moved in with your brother or other relative how do you prove your address?You need money to vote.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    What is REALLY creepy is having a fingerprint scan done to get into Disney’s Epcot!! (After paying nearly $100 to get in.) What CORPORATIONS are snooping into is a LOT scarier. Okay, then there’s buy a pistol, after showing photo I.D., where the government gets "secure"information they can only hold for 24 hours, then you get a letter from the NRA asking you to join! At 40, I DID get asked for I.D. to buy cigarettes once, that was a trip! (compliment?)

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  4. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  over 12 years ago

    Acceptible Forms of ID: Gun LicensesUnacceptible ID: Student IDI’m pretty sure there is an underlying conspiracy there.

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    bueller  over 12 years ago

    “Most powerful man in the world” – wait, what? We can votefor president of China now?

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  6. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 12 years ago

    But don’t call Eryx a name or he will tell on you and report you to gocomics!

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  7. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Thanks for letting us know what happens in your small sample. Just because you don’t get asked for ID doesn’t mean people don’t need them.

    Most people do need them to buy alcohol, because the businesses error on the side of caution, so as not to get fined or lose their selling license.

    Checks and credit cards do require ID in most instances. You need an ID to check into a hotel and use your credit card there.

    You need an ID to drive, even though a lot of people don’t get them or lose them.

    You probably had to show and ID to get your voter card.

    But I understand, since you live in Illinois where dead people vote all the time. There’s another tradition we need to bring from Illinois to the national stage, right?

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    Dartvoice  over 12 years ago

    Really? Michael, Really? This is the danger to Democracy?More people are killed each year as a result of a lightningstrike than are found to have engaged in voter fraud. Seriously, this “voter fraud” issue is amazingly transparent.

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    Wraithkin  over 12 years ago

    First, requiring someone to prove their identity is not “voter suppression.” – Just because they don’t card you to buy alcohol does not make it not-required. If you look under 40, they are supposed to card you. Also, if the establishment is familiar with you, the employees already recognize you and don’t need to. I’m 33 and I still get carded at the bars, and I have a head full of gray hair. – To fly not only do you have to show government-issued picture ID, but then you get to have a cavity search three ways from Tuesday. What fun. o.O Just because you don’t fly doesn’t mean it’s not required.- Just because you don’t use checks or cash checks doesn’t mean it’s not required. Again, you are not 100% of the population. Sampling of 1 is not a statistical average.- Just because they don’t card you for going to the movies again doesn’t make it not-required. It just means they aren’t following the rules.- Credit Cards are a gray area, but what they are SUPPOSED to do is compare your signature to the one on the back of the card. I know I put “See ID” on the back of my cards, and even though I do that, some people still don’t check. Again, just because they don’t do it does not change the rules- To DRIVE you need to have a valid picture ID (aka driver’s license). He’s just adding the jab at the volt in the toon. And I hope that you follow this rule.See, this is what I have a problem with many liberals: They think the rules don’t apply to them, or because people don’t apply the rules to them, they shouldn’t exist! No! Where I vote, prior to this ID check, they would ask for your name, you’d tell it to them (in front of god and everyone else) and then they’d read off your address and confirm that that is where you live with a “yes” or “no” from you. You’re telling me that can’t have voter fraud built into it? “Sure, that’s me, wink wink nudge nudge.”And the reason a gun license is a certified document is they already checked your identitiy to give you the gun license. No sense in re-inventing the wheel. If you can’t afford an ID card, I’d be in favor of providing one free of charge to people who can’t afford them (note, ID, not driver’s license). This way there’s no barking over “I can’t get one because it costs money!” Stop with the strawmen and stop making excuses why thinks shouldn’t apply to you and just prove your identity. After all, what do you have to hide?

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    Wraithkin  over 12 years ago

    folks have* Stupid no-edit function.

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    Farley55  over 12 years ago

    If requiring a picture idea is inherently racist, then the policy should be struck down by Eric Holder for all of the uses Ramirez shows (and many more). The fact that he isn’t doing so tells the entire story: that voter fraud is being actively enabled by the same administration that embraces and encourages voter intimidation (ie, Black Panthers with billy clubs).

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    Wraithkin  over 12 years ago

    " If you can’t afford an ID card, I’d be in favor of providing one free of charge to people who can’t afford them (note, ID, not driver’s license). " Poll Tax? I must have missed what I just said. If you want to vote, get off your rear end and walk/bus/ride/borrow/run/bum a ride to the DMV and get one. And if you are SO inconvenienced that you can’t be bothered to go to the DMV to get a valid ID, then you don’t really want one to begin with. That’s not voter suppression, that’s naked laziness.

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    msgreymare  over 12 years ago

    Read the check!! You have to give Ramirez credit for his attention to detail, whether or not you agree with his views.And even I, who am 56 years old and have grey hair must show photo ID when I buy liquor in my state. However, if I were an illegal, I could get a driver’s license without one. Does this really make sense to ANYONE???

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  14. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 12 years ago

    Buying alcohol is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.Attending a movie is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.Cashing a check is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.Air travel is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.A job at the Justice Department is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.Driving any car (not just one wingnuts don’t like) is a privelege; it is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.Consumer credit is not a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments.Voting is a right guaranteed by seven constitutional amendments*.Any questions?*The fourteenth, fifteenth, seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth, more amendments to deal with a single issue than any other enumerated constitutional right.

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