Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for March 31, 2012
March 30, 2012
April 01, 2012
verne: I haven't seen hammy for hours! Rj: The dude's survived american idol....a junket to the jurassic....and thumbs... bing! bing! bing! RJ: ...he's fine.
How easily RJ forgets… the original Hammy was run over by a minivan. He later reappeared as Sammy, and a few months later Sammy changed places with his reflection in the mirror and that’s how we got Hammy back.
unnormal almost 13 years ago
Hey, c’mon!You can’t keep treating HAMMY that way . . . you’ll have a popular uprising on your hands!Or is he really OK?
jreckard almost 13 years ago
I don’t remember the cartoon Ricochet Squirrel! bing-bing-biiiiiing!
panzer4h almost 13 years ago
He’s in a Pringles can, that can survive anything, almost like a twinkie.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
(music note) …hes a pinball wizard… (music note)
Strod almost 13 years ago
How easily RJ forgets… the original Hammy was run over by a minivan. He later reappeared as Sammy, and a few months later Sammy changed places with his reflection in the mirror and that’s how we got Hammy back.
Two Cats almost 13 years ago
The inventor of the Pringles can had his ashes buried in one. Careful Hammy, that just might be your final resting place. =O
Stephen Gilberg almost 13 years ago
Eh, sometime in the last two years. He spent a lot of time worriedly (!) hanging around a T-Rex’s jaws.
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
That reminds me…I haven’t played Space Cadet Pinball in such a long time.
Dtroutma almost 13 years ago
Two cats: that explains what Pringles taste like.
Blaize almost 2 years ago
I can just imagine pinball sounds in panel 2.