The Norm Classics by Michael Jantze for November 08, 2012

  1. Dallas tx
    jay_dallas  over 12 years ago

    I always tell mine not to bother with the style. I just throw on my cap, pay and leave. She knows I’m going to mess with it when I get home.

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  2. A service i need
    Kvasir42 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I miss my barbers in Norman and Portales. They knew how to cut my hair. I still can’t get the Okinawan barbers on base to do it right.

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  3. Foto perfil fb
    cesar7983  over 12 years ago

    i made a couple of strips about that… the first one is a guy walking with an angry face that doesn’t reply to a friend cause he just had a haircut… the 2nd one is a guy that realizes that he can’t comb his hair the way the guy /girl that made the haircut did… so he thinks they must have magic combs… here the links.. and hope you like them ;)

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  4. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I have difficult hair that most don’t know how to style (fine & curly), so I usually just leave the salon with wet hair and fix it at home.

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  5. Toco toucan
    Janemarie  over 12 years ago

    so many people with so much time on their hands

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