Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 21, 2012
All this junk they teach us in school is a waste of time! When are we ever going to use this stuff? They should teach us real-life skills, like how to tie knots, or how to fix a flat tire! Why should schools teach that? Stuff like that is what parents are supposed to teach you! ...and now, back to "Dance Moms"... Riiiiight.
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
dance moms! chuckle. hahaha.
el8 over 12 years ago
like consumerism
flagfly over 12 years ago
What does Nate’s dad do for a living?
voicemail400 over 12 years ago
bsketball wives… even better!
Comicsfan07 over 12 years ago
Right. Nate’s Dad can’t even go one 10 minutes running , or last 10 minutes without eating any junk food, and Francis expects him to fix a flat tire.
xall2h1 over 12 years ago
dance monsters
orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago
Re: WHAT uhmmmmmm, livelihood is Nate’s Dad into? As Jon once said of Garfield’s pursuits: Some things are better left unanswered.
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Munching chips from the man who give out bizarre health food snacks at Hallowe’en. Uh-huh.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Nate’s not buying it.
Mukesh7 over 12 years ago
Ha ha
orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago
Jeeze ,that guy REALLLLLLLLY needs to get out more often (oh, & leave the golf stuff IN the house: by getting out I DON’T mean outside breaking things or injuring people like Todd and others).
darat about 9 years ago
My dad many real-life skills. But somehow he never got around to teaching me them. Trust me, it takes a long time to change a flat tire when you barely have a clue!
SNOOPY THE GREAT almost 9 years ago
Its done of thunk thunk thunk
ElliottRose about 7 years ago
Meet the Mr. Give Me Reality.
almost 6 years ago
Dance Moms?
Plethoris over 5 years ago
first like
Vallion over 3 years ago
I totally agree with Nate. Saying that “parents should teach you this stuff” means that the quality of your education should be dictated by how good your parents are at parenting or whether or not they have time on their hands.
MJ J over 3 years ago
Ah, yes why would we learn things we’re actually gonna use when are parents teach us that? Lets just waste 6 hours learning useless knowledge that nobody cares about!
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I agree with Nate! We don’t need to learn sin cos and tan, we need to learn to cook and fix things! Shop class should be brought back into schoolsjhhgfds;/
leopardglily over 2 years ago
*schools my gecko walked across the keyboard.
doctorwho29 over 1 year ago
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
Not in Nate’s case.