Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for April 26, 2012

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    hsawlrae  almost 13 years ago

    What the heck, Slim…you can jump that far can’t you? Say please?

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    Llewellenbruce  almost 13 years ago

    You’re #2 now in Clovia’s life Slim.

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    Mineola  almost 13 years ago

    I would venture a guess that Lucky is officially an alley cat ….. a “gasoline alley” cat! Looks like he’ll be forever part of this strip.

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  4. Clouseau
    el8  almost 13 years ago

    so maybe “BZZT” wasn’t the right faux-sound effect but even Slim knows lifts are hydraulic

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  5. Koala
    ransomdstone  almost 13 years ago

    The lift hydraulic. The control, electronic.

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  6. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  almost 13 years ago

    In real life, I don’t think they lift up that seems a bit exaggerated to me.

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    Cordicfan  almost 13 years ago

    Newer automobile lifts are electric, all of the lift mechanisms are above the floor. The old hydraulic lifts were located below the floor and after time would develop oil leaks contaminating the ground requiring expensive cleanup.

    Slim better watch out he could upset the balance of the car on the lift and cause it to fall. Being in the car repair biz for 35 years, I’ve seen cars fall off of lifts and it’s NOT pretty!

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    shel4  almost 13 years ago

    Notice Slim cusses in color.This is where the expression "colorful language’ comes from.

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  9. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  almost 13 years ago

    ahhhh, luv that cat

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    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    Why is Clovia letting the kitten run around outside the office where it can run outside and get lost.

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    XianProf  almost 13 years ago

    You know, usually Slim earns whatever comeuppance he receives, but this is downright cruelty. Speaking as a husband, if my wife ever acted this way, we’d be having a serious conversation that night. And yes, I know this is a comic strip and not to take it seriously, but since y’all are pretty much ganging up on Slim, someone needs to defend the big galoot the one time he’s actually in the right.

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  12. Marion usmc 1942
    WW2 Marine Veteran  almost 13 years ago

    Looks to me that Slim should learn to get on to the good side of that cat.

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  13. Violet bay
    LiviaBay  almost 13 years ago

    Yeah…if he wants to live….lol

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  14. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  almost 13 years ago

    I’ll bet there’s at least one restaurant down the street that might be interested in that cat. They could call the dish, “Slim’s revenge.” Table for one, please…

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    BlitzMcD  almost 13 years ago

    “Lucky, you’re a naughty boy”, said Clovia, when in reality her expression said, “Good job, Lucky!” Slim is definitely outnumbered.

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    enyt  almost 13 years ago

    In panel # 1, aren’t the windows in the garage door { left side} positioned up-side down?

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