your check is just instructions for moving information around in the banking system’s computers. Most money is just information, very little is the circulated currency. The post office losesliterally tons of paper mail each year, commercialgrade computers (nothing like consumer grade PCs) are far more reliable.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Witch letter will be lost in today’s mail?
Rakkav over 12 years ago
“This is Tranquility Base. The Buzzard has landed.”
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
I suspect that choosing a witch to replace America’s bald eagle as an emblem for the Postal Service would be politically controversial….
cdward over 12 years ago
You’re right. Congress is trying to shut it down altogether.
Raymond Powell over 12 years ago
They should replace the eagle with a snail!
corpcasselbury over 12 years ago
Personally, I think that the USPS has enough troubles without adding her to the mix.
boldyuma over 12 years ago
Yeah..old Ben wanted a Turkey as a symbol.
From the way my mailman walks around the neighborhood
looks like he’s gotten into some “Wild Turkey.”
RalphZIggy over 12 years ago
your check is just instructions for moving information around in the banking system’s computers. Most money is just information, very little is the circulated currency. The post office losesliterally tons of paper mail each year, commercialgrade computers (nothing like consumer grade PCs) are far more reliable.