Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for May 07, 2012

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    arye uygur  almost 13 years ago

    Good morning, Villagers. For those who don’t follow Dear Abby, I want to share this hilarious query with you:DEAR ABBY: My husband and I own five parrots, one of which is a Miligold Macaw. “Petie” is a young bird and starting to pick up words and sounds like crazy. Something he has started mimicking has my husband and me embarrassed and worried. When we go into our bedroom, Petie starts making “amorous” sounds. Honestly, it sounds like someone is at the height of romantic passion in the living room where his cage is located.

    Petie practices other words and sounds at various times during the day. We enjoy having people over to the house, and it’s good for him to interact with them and be socialized. How should we handle the situation if he starts repeating the sounds of our bedroom activities when guests are over? Any suggestions? — DISCREET IN THE MIDWEST

    DEAR DISCREET: You could tell your guests that Petie likes to watch R-rated movies on premium cable. But don’t be embarrassed that your bird has the sounds of pleasure to imitate. It would be worse if he were saying, “Not tonight; I have a headache.”

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    MontanaLady  almost 13 years ago

    Good Morning, Vagabonds,

    Ayre, what a cute story! I love Abby’s answer, too.

    Enjoyed our day at the park yesterday. It is called “Pullen Park”, and is 66 acres big in downtown Raleigh. Very nice lake with paddle boats, and nice walking trails, and a train for the kids and kidlettes. They just refurbished it, and all the play equipment is of the new imagination style. All the “younguns” were having a ball. They have a 1911 carousel as well.

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  almost 13 years ago

    Had internet problems this morning, but I’m back on line now. Problem is, now I have work to do. Shoot.

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    SWEETBILL  almost 13 years ago


    Tall ships leaving Savannah today for the race to Halifax, NovaScotia -13 in all

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