Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for April 13, 2012

  1. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    poor Verne.the butt of all these bad jokes…: (

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    DutchUncle  almost 13 years ago

    But it’s so meta. It’s not a pull my finger schtick, it’s a schtick ABOUT a schtick.

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  3. Frog4
    Digital Frog  almost 13 years ago

    Fartoo many jokes about breaking wind.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 13 years ago

    I LOVE fart jokes!

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    Potrzebie  almost 13 years ago

    Maybe Hammy will ride a motorcycle over a tank filled with sharks as the next gag.

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  6. Bull shirt archie
    underwriter  almost 13 years ago

    Benjamin Franklin loved fart jokes. Those who do should look up his essay on them.

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    A.Ficionada  almost 13 years ago

    How did Verne get this duct-taped to his butt from panel 1 (when he was whoopie-cushion free) to panel 3? Ah, the magic of comics. Or Hammy and RJ in the comics. Or… I give up it’s Friday!

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    u047297  almost 13 years ago

    I used to have a game/computer silliness program by the Monty Python folks that you could program your keyboard to fart with every key stroke! It was hilarious..made me giggle everytime I typed anything. I wish I still had it but alas…

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