Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 18, 2012
Danae: What are you doing out here, Jeffrey? Jeffrey: Working on stuff. Danae: Oh... how long will it take? Jeffrey: Doesn't matter. That's the whole point about contemplation. Speed is not of the essence when you're in pursuit of enlightenment. Danae: Oh... cool. Wouldn't it be easier to just Google it? Jeffrey: I'm pretty sure that'd be the opposite route to enlightenment.
palos almost 13 years ago
I Googled “it” and got about 25,270,000,000 results (0.22 seconds)
revisages almost 13 years ago
i found i’d need google lite for that
Yontrop almost 13 years ago
Or maybe it could be “…the opposite to the route to enlightenment”. Oh, no that was TV. Google is only an approximation.
Varnes almost 13 years ago
Awe, they were meant for each other…..another Arlo and Janis….Kate just wouldn’t be right for Jeffrey….someday there will come a time when she will be shocked to find out that she’s got a crush on a booger brained boy……Of course it will be on her terms……
roctor almost 13 years ago
The road to Shangrila cannot be googled or wiked.
Gking almost 13 years ago
One does not simply Google into Mord…uh, I mean enlightenment.
jonesb almost 13 years ago
The guy who invented the DNA replicator was tripping on LSD when he got the idea for the replicator. His mind was wandering idly?
zoidknight almost 13 years ago
No, that would be California.
LingeeWhiz almost 13 years ago
Well, Danae is not going to succeed at contemplation. It takes too much time and you have to sit still.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
V. wise, Jefferey…I think…nope. I just agree.
Vonne Anton almost 13 years ago
Once turned right onto the opposite road to enlightenment. Ended up at a McDonalds. Fries were good.
BluePumpkin almost 13 years ago
Funny how time changes things . . . before the internet people complained about tv being a waste of time, before tv people complained about the radio, and before the radio people complained about books. Now we tell people they should be reading more books. Makes me wonder if there will ever be a time when we say that people should be surfing the web more? (Although I would be blissfully ignorant about other people’s bizarre behavior if it weren’t for google images searches.)
RamblinJeff almost 13 years ago
As Casey Stengel used to say, “Ya could look it up …”
ChappellGirl5 almost 13 years ago
Oh my goodness is that a HEART on Danae’s shirt (dress?)? It certainly doesn’t look like her normal skull.
Gokie5 almost 13 years ago
“If it turns out Danae does have a crush on Jeffrey, I’m afraid she’ll discover it won’t be reciprocated.”’Fraid it would be reciprocated – see the March 30, 2012, strip.
dabugger almost 13 years ago
Dis is gonna be good…..enlightenment and a cynic….
Fan o’ Lio. almost 13 years ago
You can find the wrong answer almost immediately.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Some meditative practices would reject “contemplation” as well, as being too object-driven. Thinking about something is easy, compared to thinking about nothing.
seablood almost 13 years ago
She reminds me of my wife. I could be working on a chapter in Calcuus and she will say “How long will it take?” Then she will start in saying “When?” ’When?"
EDinWAState almost 13 years ago
Good for Jeffery… Knowledge can be Goggled… Wisdom must be realized from within,
treered almost 13 years ago
re Sunday, asking what he’s doing is not the same… and you BEAT ME TO IT! :) :() :)
Fan o’ Lio. almost 13 years ago
More knowledge may make a wise man wiser, but would be wasted on a fool.If you doubt this take a close look at some of our politicians.
treered almost 13 years ago
“before ‘watergate’ could be googled” heard about this on the radio this AM. maybe not really related… :)
gordol almost 13 years ago
“You must learn patience”“Yeah yeah… how long will that take?”
Hunter7 almost 13 years ago
The tai chi teacher believes in standing meditation. Its suppose to help with alignment before starting your form. It makes my feet hurt.