Of course, now, if it WERE a mistake to learn from one’s mistakes, she just made a real step forward by learning BEFORE she made her mistake..It it weren’t a mistake, it simply means she is making yet another one..And then there’s the possibility she would learn from her mistake but learn the wrong lesson; that happens quite a bit.
J Short almost 13 years ago
We had this conversation before.
chris_o42 almost 13 years ago
Trout is on a roll!
GESWho almost 13 years ago
It’s a mistake to question if that would be a mistake….. ;)
Hunter7 almost 13 years ago
Full Steam Ahead! Leave the mistakes in the dust!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 13 years ago
Of course, now, if it WERE a mistake to learn from one’s mistakes, she just made a real step forward by learning BEFORE she made her mistake..It it weren’t a mistake, it simply means she is making yet another one..And then there’s the possibility she would learn from her mistake but learn the wrong lesson; that happens quite a bit.