Prickly City by Scott Stantis for April 24, 2012

  1. Jamie fb002
    wvhappypappy  almost 13 years ago

    Comic strip…for sure…

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    tigre1  almost 13 years ago

    Let’s see…the nummies from the Tea Party swagger and flash their guns, and within two years 2,000 contracts let for small drones that can patrol and spot gun-packers in crowds…yeah, they SURE got results.

    Oh…and bend over, too.

    Rule: never try to intimidate. You have to sleep sometime.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    you think this is funny?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    what is happening now in the government is neither liberal nor conservativeas a person that considers himself very middle of the road the power struggle between the extreme left and extreme right is just more evidence that there is something very wrong. one of the biggest threats to the constitution and civil liberties in the country is bureaucratic law. bureaucracies can make laws that can strip your rights, strip you of your possessions and put you in prison. and no citizen voted for those laws, or the person that implemented those laws.some times it seems that the whole left right thing was invented to keep us from seeing what is really happening to our civil liberties. and at this point i must apologize to everyone for getting on my soap box.i have broke my own rule. i did not “just walk away” and i polluted this site with MY views, instead if letting the artist do HIS apologies Mr. Stantis

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    This doesn’t look good especially for Carmen!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    a) you never know.b) i’m ranting in his space.c) cool! thank you.

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