He has a similar gag where he draws a cool manga cartoon robot in 3 steps…I think this happens when he forgets to do a strip and just draws whatever. His artwork is so awesome that I don’t mind.
Not to be mean or anything, but Chip Dunham could use a few lessons…I actually like his strip but some of his doodles end up looking wrong in various ways.
The Nihilist almost 13 years ago
I see Frank is on vacation this week and his backup cartoonist is Phil Space
WindSpider almost 13 years ago
He has a similar gag where he draws a cool manga cartoon robot in 3 steps…I think this happens when he forgets to do a strip and just draws whatever. His artwork is so awesome that I don’t mind.
JollyRoger56 almost 13 years ago
I’ve drawn Brandy before. let me tell you, it’s not that easy.
Commentator almost 13 years ago
Not to be mean or anything, but Chip Dunham could use a few lessons…I actually like his strip but some of his doodles end up looking wrong in various ways.
Ray_C almost 13 years ago
Beautiful! Now how about a lesson on how to draw the rest of Brandy? Or is that top secret?
Droptma Styx almost 13 years ago
A very apt parody of every “cartooning lesson” I’ve ever seen.
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Shades of Archie comics! That’s how I learned to draw.