Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for April 30, 2012

  1. Smiley3
    mntim  almost 13 years ago

    Next time, wear your steel-toed flipflops.

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  2. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  almost 13 years ago

    I hope that Popokitty & TNT live happily ever-after. Meaning that the cat gets to be part of this arc from now on:~) I have and have had some cool cats on our farm through the years, but I am mostly a dog person. We also like a good Yorkshire and nanny Nubian. Every billy born here goes into the pot. That doesn’t have anything to do with Rip Haywire and foxy Cobra being a real good comic couple, I just wanted to mention that.

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  3. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  almost 13 years ago

    If you like Rip, then you just gotta love a right uppercut! When I was a young man, I liked to use a left-jab then a right cross (one, two) with a twist to the left on contact. It worked for me as a pro-am. If the single strike doesn’t end the encounter, the uppercut leaves you too far inside to avoid a counterpunch or your opponent (during street combat) grabbing your clothing and taking things down to the ground. Some like taking things to the floor; I never did actually, like being on the ground, but some times it’s unavoidable.

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  4. Mochi
    KJCaufield  almost 13 years ago

    ROLF that is so wrong, but so funny!

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  5. Missing large 2
    Phatts  almost 13 years ago

    … weaponized fat …

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  6. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 13 years ago

    Old Man got off easy. Imagine if Popokitty sat on his lap!

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  7. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  almost 13 years ago

    HugPounceszzz Haywire Hooligans!.Veridian and Dorian and Dragon, etc, heck all of ya…Nice to be back with you. Just got home from 6 days in the hospital (Im fine, no need to fuss) and came here dang near as soon as I got unloaded just to catch up with the goings on. The big city paper I got in the hospital actually carried Rip (no colorization) but there were a few days there I wasnt getting it due to my not being cognizant enough for the volunteer to bother leaving one, so I am all caught up now and raring for the next strip where we see the old geezer try to bowl and break down sobbing like a little girl. lol.Still chuckling at Popover’s attack of Feline Fury!!(sorry thats just how I think of da lil fat furry one)

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  8. Dorian tenore logo
    DorianKTB  almost 13 years ago

    I’m baaaaakkkk! :-) Veridian, thanks for caring, and Linda, I hope you’ll be feeling better soon, too! As for me, I was sidetracked by a combo plate of back-to-back deadlines and annoying illnesses (stupid baked goods claiming to be gluten-free when they WEREN’T! But I’m getting better!) Happily, it all ended on a high note with family time with our fave cousins! Now then, who here thinks Popokitty will be a permanent resident at the Haywire Hacienda, and will the various critters get along? :-) Happy May Day, y’all!

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