When I find the last piece of Easter candy, it’s usually under a sofa cushion, and I eat it quickly, quietly and without fanfare… lest anyone else ask for a bite.
Ya’ll have not been to church lately. Easter season last seven Sundays (until after Pentecost). If you dont know what Pentecost is, it’s a little late for me to explain it).
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
Easter was about three months ago. Can an uneaten Peep™ go stale after that much time?
bkybl over 12 years ago
How did it last this long??
The Old Wolf over 12 years ago
When I find the last piece of Easter candy, it’s usually under a sofa cushion, and I eat it quickly, quietly and without fanfare… lest anyone else ask for a bite.
CoBass over 12 years ago
@none of your business ditto – Yesterday, you said you were “still looking for Funky Winkerbean online.” You can find it here, among other places.
jockmama13 over 12 years ago
I LIKE my Peeps totally stale. Then they’re chewy – not gooey. But I DO admit I don’t think there’s anything in them that’s even vaguely “organic”…
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
Takes about a month for the mallows to mellow.
Stormy Weathers over 12 years ago
Stormy Weathers over 12 years ago
Ya’ll have not been to church lately. Easter season last seven Sundays (until after Pentecost). If you dont know what Pentecost is, it’s a little late for me to explain it).
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Or she got a sh! t load of it for Easter!
LiviaBay over 12 years ago
Yes Heart…Followed by a trip to the dentist.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Can’t really think of any Easter-themed songs she could have been playing.