Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for May 03, 2012
RJ: They couldn't put humpty together again? verne: he's an egg...he fell off a wall..horses make terrible emts. it's just so sad! was there a memorial service? verne: It's a nursery rhyme!! sniff... verne: Sigh. verne: we are gathered together today to pay tribute to an egg among eggs. RJ: he was organic, you know...farm raised. hammy: by wolves.
pnorman1 over 12 years ago
I think a nice omelette for after the memorial service would be wonderful.
ankerdorthe over 12 years ago
Will they ever be eggsonerated?
QuiteDragon over 12 years ago
Terribly early for eggsistential comics.
josdin00 over 12 years ago
Where in the rhyme does it ever say he’s an egg?
bubbareb over 12 years ago
Eggstremely obtuse of RJ and Hammy to have eggxagerated Humpty’s importance, eggspecially since he was unbalanced to beggin with, hence the cause of his fall. They should sue the builder of the wall to cover the costs of the memorial service.
Mrs. Peabody over 12 years ago
Don’t cry for me, Omelet Tina.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
Ovoid poultry estrus reject caused by intervention. How did the chicken cross the stream, Roe or Wade??
Jeffpaul over 12 years ago
We should all have such a nice funeral!
Charles Weir over 12 years ago
In the movie “Puss In Boots” he seemed OK. Just a little scrambled.
Fastfur07 about 6 years ago
Nowhere does it say he was an egg… Some people are speculating he was a cannon…