FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for July 12, 2012
Jason: My elf-image uses his +2 wand of brilliant wizardry. Marcus: No effect. Jason: My paladin uses his +5 singing sword of holy might. Marcus: No effect. Jason: My half-orc assassin druid casts a +17 spell of the ghostly claw in conjunction with use of his _8.5 dagger of the spider dogs while wearing the cloak of invisibility he stole from the hall of irrational treasures. Paige: Will you geeks shut up?!? Jason: Woohoo! That did the trick! Marcus: Write it down. This is good to know.
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Paige would yelled even louder (and sooner) if you used the +17.25 times Pi spell and the +10 dagger. The invisibility cloak, for now, is overkill.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
Paige is just jealous because she’s too dumb to think on her broether’s level.
randymi over 12 years ago
Ah, the good old days of D & D. I miss those. Today’s video games don’t have the same “feeling” and don’t require the leap of imagination we needed back then. Roleplaying games are still fun, even on consoles/PC’s.
phydeaux44 over 12 years ago
Wasn’t into D&D, but was a Traveler and Morrow Project player.
11Wilderness11 over 12 years ago
If you miss the D&D days, you might look into a family board game called “Munchkin.” It is a lot of fun and takes constant tongue-in-cheek jabs at role-playing games of yore. My kids love it.
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
I tried to get into D&D once, but it didn’t work out and it is currently collecting dust on my shelf.
Cartoonacy over 12 years ago
I always liked the concept of D&D, but didn’t like the rules or the world background. When GURPS was released, it was a vast improvement.
doctorwho29 about 4 years ago
I know it’s a comic, not to be taken seriously, but why does it bother her so much? Why does she keep reacting to them?