MARY WORTH: Gina, aren’t you glad you were persistent in trying to contact Bobby. I hope the team manager os present at the wedding and that he’s ashamed for not forwarding Gina’s message to Bobby.
APT3G: I thought margo had a loving mother, even if she does dabble in the occulkt.
REX MORGAN: Iris is melting. I wonder how she’ll relate to Mabel at the funeral.
FOXTROT: Reminds me of the last weekend in April, here in South Florida.PHANTOM: So Vincente is Victor’s son – what is Ernesto’s son’s name?MARK TRAIL: Huh? Yesterday Mark was about to check his email and then get his rod and tackle box…today’s he’s strolling with Cherry. We thought the email was going to send him off a new adventure….maybe today’s phone call will do that. REX MORGAN: I hope we eventually learn what the title of Foster’s manuscript refers to (“Chasing Mildred”).
Mandrake – The incomplete “lost chord” hurts their ears, or is that one of Mandrake’s tricks?All other strips are just fillers today and do not move the plot forward.
CHASING MIDNIGHT (book): Regarding your question 2 days ago re Ford’s comment – would still appreciate it if you could paraphrase what he said. BTW, I happened to find an page where a lot of Randy Wayne White fans are of the same opinion I expressed in my earlier review of the “Midnight” book – posted here sometime back.REVIEWS & COMMENTS
arye uygur almost 13 years ago
MARY WORTH: Gina, aren’t you glad you were persistent in trying to contact Bobby. I hope the team manager os present at the wedding and that he’s ashamed for not forwarding Gina’s message to Bobby.
APT3G: I thought margo had a loving mother, even if she does dabble in the occulkt.
REX MORGAN: Iris is melting. I wonder how she’ll relate to Mabel at the funeral.
florchi almost 13 years ago
FOXTROT: Reminds me of the last weekend in April, here in South Florida.PHANTOM: So Vincente is Victor’s son – what is Ernesto’s son’s name?MARK TRAIL: Huh? Yesterday Mark was about to check his email and then get his rod and tackle box…today’s he’s strolling with Cherry. We thought the email was going to send him off a new adventure….maybe today’s phone call will do that. REX MORGAN: I hope we eventually learn what the title of Foster’s manuscript refers to (“Chasing Mildred”).
marvee almost 13 years ago
Mandrake – The incomplete “lost chord” hurts their ears, or is that one of Mandrake’s tricks?All other strips are just fillers today and do not move the plot forward.
Teh Premium Member almost 13 years ago
PHANTOM: this story began on 8/18/11 !!
florchi almost 13 years ago
CHASING MIDNIGHT (book): Regarding your question 2 days ago re Ford’s comment – would still appreciate it if you could paraphrase what he said. BTW, I happened to find an page where a lot of Randy Wayne White fans are of the same opinion I expressed in my earlier review of the “Midnight” book – posted here sometime back.REVIEWS & COMMENTS
SWEETBILL almost 13 years ago
REX- She should have spent more time with them when theywere alive!!
3G- Girl talk, that’s what Margo needs….
MW- Sloppy lookin’ kiss :-)- missin’ the mark :-)