Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for May 20, 2012
Janis: This will be fun! We haven't been shopping together in a long time! Arlo: We're not going "shopping"! Arlo: We're going to grab a few things at the hardware store! Arlo: This is natural boar's bristle - the best! It's expensive, but take care of it and it'll last forever!
chireef over 12 years ago
its the nature of hunters to only hunt when high protein is needed in the diet, gathers on the other hand gather food as a prime source of sustenance. be thankful that your gather is the way she is, and treasure what your hunter brings you,
thomas_matkey over 12 years ago
My wife shops. I buy stuff.
doublepaw over 12 years ago
Most men are happy while when “shopping” they can grab the items they need without slowing down their march through the store. My wife can take an hour and a half in the grocery store.
ladylagomorph76 over 12 years ago
I know men that “shop”, and I know women that hate it. It’s all individual, and not dependent on if you are a man or a woman. However, the cartoon is funny.
Varnes over 12 years ago
Most men like to walk quickly to where the item that they want is and then go as quickly as possible.mumbling about slow walkers……BUT…….hardware stores are different. A man could roam around in one of those all day, dreaming..Saturday morning is like a male hardware store shopping holiday…
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’m another female that doesn’t like to shop. I know what I’m there for, and I go buy it and that’s it. My husband, on the other hand, comes home with a bunch of extra stuff from the grocery store and takes forever at the clothing stores.
Canoe-full over 12 years ago
If you can’t buy it at Menards, you don’t really need it!My wife is allowed to join me on a trip to Menards-but no hand holding in the store- dammit!
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
My husband can spend big-time time in Home Depot looking for home-improvement stuff, or in Best Buy looking for computer or TV stuff. (He “allows” me to go along, whereby I lapse into a semi-coma.) However, fascinating things like doll shows used to send him into a coma, and he and most of the few other men would go around trying to find out the football scores (this was before universal hand-held devices).
trekkermint over 12 years ago
i shop for the exact thingjust went this weekend to one of tourist traps Madrid New Mexicoi bought a single piece of specimen Cerrillos turquoise mined by the store owner out of the Jimbo mine, a turquoise specimen in matrix and found, for free, 3 pieces of coal in the street – very tiny and shinybypassed the expensive shops and restaurants – just got what i wanted – spent a whole 15 minutes just trying to find a rock place – 3 minutes or so in the store
hippogriff over 12 years ago
david_42: I remember seeing a pre-Columbian bowl with a picture of a woman with an antelope balanced on her gathering basket, an atlatl dangling from her wrist, and a very smug expression on her face.
rdv63 over 12 years ago
The important thing in today’s strip is not about the shopping itself. It is about the fact that Arlo finally realized Janis wasn’t going SHOPPING, she was spending time with him. So he made her part of his experience. See the look on her face? Husbands take note.
gocomicsmember over 12 years ago
Like most stereotypes, the one about women liking to “shop” and men going into a shop to “buy” are only partly true. Almost all men will browse in the stores where their interests lie. That really seems to be the point JJ is making here. Arlo is all enthused about the superiority of one type of paintbrush over another, even if he cares only whether the socks he buys are the right size.