Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for June 09, 2012

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    randymi  almost 13 years ago

    Ut oh. Drama alert.

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  2. Milford
    miffedmax  almost 13 years ago

    Shades of Leon Durham in P1. In P2, did Mimi steal her gloves from Mutt or Jeff?

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    tusks38  almost 13 years ago

    Mimi working harder that the team. Look at the sweat.

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  4. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  almost 13 years ago

    Nice reminder here. I almost forgot the boys are actually playing this season too.

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  5. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  almost 13 years ago

    erfak: Funny reference of Tasha’s mom looking like Janet Reno. Also been called Hitler’s daughter. What the heck, trifecta time! I looked at the panel from yesterday and she looks like Hirohito’s daughter.

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  6. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 13 years ago

    P1 – Wow, that infielder really sucks. I can see the ball going under or over your mitt, but a foot to the right of where your hands are?P2 – Okay, looks like it’s option 3 from yesterday’s guesses, moms pulling girls off the team. Wouldn’t the girls just say, “screw you ma!”

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    Cliff1911  over 12 years ago

    “Maybe I’ll tell you and maybe I won’t!”

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