Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for June 24, 2012
verne: Observe, hammy...origami: the ancient japanese art of paper folding. hammy: You made a crumbled up piece of paper. cool! verne: It's a crane. hammy: Can I try? Verne: knock yourself out. hammy. no. I need something bigger. verne: hammy, hold on. hammy: hammy, please! hammy! RJ: I'm gone for one second.... giggle. help!
onetrack0246 over 12 years ago
Luv that Hammy
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Looks like Blondie was one the other page. There’s somonesaying “Dag”, “Dagowood” for short (but not for long).
HMunster over 12 years ago
I think that Hammy would fold under questioning…
JoeStrike over 12 years ago
Comic Co-inkydink Dept: Both “Over” and “Pearls” did meta “we-know-we-exist-inside-a-comic-strip” gags this morning. (Reminds me of the day “Doonesbury” and “Bloom County” both did “we-know-we-curse-in-punctuation-marks” gags.)
celeconecca over 12 years ago
oh sweet heavens, I love how Hammy brightens my day
john.barber over 12 years ago
How recursive can you get???
wilburgarrod over 12 years ago
So is this called Hamorigari
wilburgarrod over 12 years ago
Excuse me-ment ‘Hammogami’
opuncsun over 12 years ago
No matter how he folds it, he gets an increase.
Ermine Notyours over 12 years ago
RJ is smart and is reading comics on an iPad, not the paper.
Ermine Notyours over 12 years ago
Is there any newspaper that runs both Over the Hedge and Pearls Before Swine? I only got to know Hedge because it ran briefly in our suburban daily before it went under.
alviebird over 12 years ago
Anyone else notice the general area in which Vern happened to END up?
benbenson over 12 years ago
Are you and Pearls Before Swine working together?
Marathon Zack over 9 years ago
I wish my origami giggled.
Fastfur07 about 6 years ago
Folding the 4th wall. Good!