Frazz by Jef Mallett for July 04, 2012

  1. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Didn’t the Boston Massacre start as a snowball fight?

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  2. Samoyedsf4
    Ned Snipes  over 12 years ago

    You must remember that it was quite a few degrees cooler back then, global warming hadn’t kicked in yet.

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    greyolddave  over 12 years ago

    Yea, I think I’d prefer some date in February to the 100+ we are going to get today. Woo.

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    daveoverpar  over 12 years ago

    Global warming is a real occurance just like has happened many times in the past 2 million years, give or take a million years. It’s just not MAN-made like all the Chicken Little’s scream about.

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    cissycox  over 12 years ago

    Heat in Philly, yes, but don’t forget the flies, the flies in 1775 and 6. and no bug spray to add to global warming. (See how I get back to the discussion?)

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    tigre1  over 12 years ago

    Let us return to the Golden Days of yesteryear…High Yo, Nostalgia! Horses, flies, dirt everywhere…not a lot of bathing nor changing of clothes. Lots of time to think, and quiet surroundings a normality, and patience an absolute necessity. Not knowing a lot, people could invest, stretch a lot mentally in some important ways…they preceded us and gave rise to us…the facts that so many of our greatest forefathers were lifetime determined self-help advocates and exemplars, as was Einstein…might give us some clues as to the relation of education and great socially-positive achievement…

    If I were a teacher or instructor of the young, I would insist that self-help and other forms of mental experimentation in every study of history be studied and well-known… especially of persons whose biography proves a connection between such practices and great social results…isn’t all innovation clearly dependent upon “learning to think for yourself”? Where else can you really practice and chart the results yourself?

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  7. Bull shirt archie
    underwriter  over 12 years ago

    Record temperature highs and record temperature lows used to be set about equally in the United States. Since 2000, roughly two new record highs have been set for every new record low.

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    Michael Ritter  over 12 years ago

    Living in Nevada with the fire danger beyond extreme, if anyone starts shooting fireworks around me, they’re going to meet a lot of interesting folks, many of whom will be in uniform wearing badges.

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    jhned  over 12 years ago

    well, at least this is better than last year.

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    mklange Premium Member over 12 years ago
    Well, see that’s a problem, because we really don’t know that. The records and the means of computing that temperature are rather unreliable. The gridding process and other methods used to determine an “average” temperature values have some rather interesting “adjustments” and other arbitrary changes in them (Thank “hide the decline” Mann for that) that really call into question any of the conclusions
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