Henry Payne for June 14, 2012

  1. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    everybody just keep your hands to yourselves

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  2. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 12 years ago

    What IS your problem then?

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  3. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 12 years ago

    I don’t favor Bloomberg’s rule on soda pop, but I would point out it’s not so much a limitation of individual rights, since people can buy as many cups as they want — it’s a limitation on the rights of a corporation to sell their product in a particular form. It may still be a silly rule, but for different reasons.

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    ARodney  about 12 years ago

    I say keep your tar oil out of my drinking supply (check the news on the Kalamazoo River if you want a depressing read about tar oil). The idea that the house republicans would pass a law requiring a pipeline be approved REGARDLESS OF ITS SAFETY OR LACK THEREOF, is disgusting. These people are not qualified to govern.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Considering the stickers, would Bloombergs ban on “big cups” ban “boob jobs”??

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  6. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  about 12 years ago

    Denis, alternative sources of energy, renewable sources of energy need to be developed. The oil will be all burned up and it will be to late to start work on the KNOWN problem.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Jack, there are a ton of new leases, on and off shore being issued, and drilling permits. Your B.S. information is totally whacked.

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  8. 200px edhappy
    Howard Walter Premium Member about 12 years ago

    “and decades later because of eco-freaks holding up the paperwork "

    No, you’re just bloviating again.Here’s some info on gulf permits:

    “Deepwater permits requiring subsea containment:Since an applicant first successfully demonstrated containment capabilities in mid-February 2011, we have approved 467 of these permits for 134 unique wells, with 21 permits pending, and 10 permits returned to the operator with requests for additional information, particularly information regarding containment”Status of gulf permits

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    skenneth  about 12 years ago

    right on rightisright! :D

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    btw: The House Natural Resources Committee, controlled by Republicans just forwarded a bill (again an attempt to seize power from the Executive) to have ONE programmatic EIS for all onshore oil and gas leasing on BLM or Forest service lands. This is an OIL COMPANY BILL, that means they can basically drill anywhere they want, with NO “paperwork” or care for any environments, AND with other “measures” from these same morons, essentially pay NO royalties on federal leases. It’s called THEFT FROM TAXPAYERS, then they turn around and charge you that $5 a gallon, for gas, they stole from you, and don’t pay ANY taxes on the profits they make.

    Yep, those “republican strategists” (at the oil companies) are really thinking of the taxpayer.

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    Breeana  about 12 years ago

    Golf Oil Spill, Exxon Valdes. Two “natural occurrences”.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    ^Proving ignorance again. If YOU are a citizen, and taxpayer, in the U.S. YOU DO OWN the natural resources on federal or state lands that are being GIVEN AWAY ON THE CHEAP to oil companies. YOU own the lands, public, AND private, that will be destroyed as a result of unregulated, and unrestricted “development”! We don’t “laugh” at conservatives, we weep for their ignorance and stupidity.

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