Wife: That should do it.
Oh, no!
Herman: What's the matter?
Wife: I put out six bins of Junk...
With a sign: "free stuff!"
Herman: So?
Wife: Someone took the bis and left the junk.
I heard of the guy who left an air conditioner out in front of his house with a “free” sigh on it. Sat there for a week and nobody took it. He changed the sign to a “$50” one. It was stolen that night.
Odd Dog Premium Member over 12 years ago
How to tell when your junk is trashed
goalgo over 12 years ago
You’ll get that
Linguist over 12 years ago
Sounds like my neighborhood.
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
Should have put it on a different street. Then it would be new trash.
iced tea over 12 years ago
When the sign says free people go for it!
naturally_easy over 12 years ago
I heard of the guy who left an air conditioner out in front of his house with a “free” sigh on it. Sat there for a week and nobody took it. He changed the sign to a “$50” one. It was stolen that night.