Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for August 11, 2012
Pig: What does it mean when people say things aren't what they appear to be? Rat: Well, take that girl over there. Pig: What about her? Rat: She appears to be listening to music on her iPod. But she's not. She just keeps those earbuds in her ears to keep losers she doesn't want to talk to from talking to her. Pig: Ohhh, that's not true, is- Woman: Lalalalalalaa listening to music... Can't hear anything...
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
I sometimes hate it when Rat’s right
margueritem over 12 years ago
I’m afraid that Rat nailed this one.
Technoman over 12 years ago
Rat should be able to spot someone doing that, since he himself was busted doing the same thing. Doesn’t make the idea any less genius though.
el8 over 12 years ago
I just drool, everybody leaves me alone.
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Pig, have you learned a lesson? Oh, Pig; can you learn a lesson?!
Proginoskes over 12 years ago
Someone ought to write an app, that tells you whether the peson next to you is really talking on their phone.
FENRISULFR over 12 years ago
Significantly, she doesn’t try that on Rat [the arrogant, manipulative, rat bast…], but on Pig [the kind, sweet, considerate]. Is there some kind of lesson here?
knight1192a over 12 years ago
If she were my sister she’d have it turned on and cranked up so everyone could hear what she was playing even with the ear buds in her ears. And then yell that it’s not loud enough for you to know what she’s listening to, even after you recite the lyrics to her.
eddie6192 over 12 years ago
That dumb Pig’s a born loser.
codedaddy over 12 years ago
If she were a pig she might be more receptive. You might have to settle for (ugh!) Pigita, Pig.
finale over 12 years ago
Yeah, it was a LOT easier years ago to notice the wackos talking to themselves.
m.l. over 12 years ago
YatInExile over 12 years ago
I think women who are always on their phones try to achieve the same end.
clebs over 12 years ago
Smart Rat, bet he does the same!
Number Three over 12 years ago
Wow… Rat is correct for once.
LOL xxx
eddie6192 over 12 years ago
No one asked me, but your self proclaimed title “TheTrustedMechanic” smacks of opportunistic narcissism.………just sayin.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
I pretend that I’m talking on my cell phone. It works well.
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
“Wouldn’t it be nice if all those people who roam the streets of New York, talking to themselves, were paired off so that they could walk around in couples and look like they’re having a conversation?” (Lily Tomlin)
galanti over 12 years ago
Supposedly a comment from Winston Churchill while visiting a farm: “I like pigs. Dogs look up to you; cats look down on you but pigs treat you as equals”
NateWright over 12 years ago
haha i do that too when im studying so that my siblings dont pester me…!!! lol
AprilDiamond2001 over 12 years ago
Didn’t Rat once do the same thing?
DalDorlasman over 12 years ago
I do that sometimes to be able to not have to listen to my mom
mari1313 over 11 years ago
that is so mean.